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11 de mayo de 2016

The loneliness dialogue

L- Sometimes I feel if I disappear maybe someone will notice in some days, not before. I am not indispensable for nobody...
T- Is that sad?
L- Is that lonely?
T- Could be.
L- I have had this feeling all my life. Every time that I asked for company, a pet, a brother,..., someone who play with, the answer was...
T- No.
L- Why?
T- Because I say that.
L- But it is not reasonable at all.
L- So, I started to build a mask which showed I did not need anyone or anything else to be happy.
T- You had to feel you had everything. It was enough with you.

L- I should not feel loneliness if I was alone because I was continuously alone.
T- So it is better if you accept it and do not think in anything else.
L- I had my pony world as all the children have but in mine I was alone. I did not have imaginary friends or a pet; I was in my world on my own.
T- Now, for you it is extremely difficult to express your feelings. To say a friend: Ey! I need you!
L- Or you should write me from time to time if you are interested in me, you know.
T- Because this person may say...
L- No.
T- They could think...
L- Who is this woman that now needs something from me?
T- She did not ask for nothing. She only exists for me if I need something from her...or she asks for me first.
L- Hi T! How are you?
T- I am ok.
L- I know you do not care about me.
T- Of course, I do not give a fuck about, I like the face you shows me.
L- Do not you want to know the rest? The whole me?

T- Why I should? I have enough with you like this.

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