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26 de agosto de 2017

Against the tide

Yesterday I prayed for you to come out of my mind.
Today I’ve dreamt with you,
so vivid that I believed it.
All back, old feelings.
Time past but didn’t feel it.
Only the tender, the passion
as it was at the beginning.

I’m becoming sick.

Sick of how you carry on without looking back.
Dizzy when I try to understand.
Anxious when I know what you do.
Feverish because I can’t get you back.
Even the flourish hate is holding me,
not assisting on my own path.

Stuck in a bright past
when the sunshine waits for me.
Above many threaten clouds,
under my feet heavy dark mud.
Against the tide, my history.
Far scary future, calling me.
Louder than ever, clearer than never.

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